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Vietnam cement sales may reach 95Mt/yr by 2020

Vietnam’s cement sales are predicted to reach 95Mt by 2020 says Nguyen Quang Cung, chairman of the Vietnam Cement Association (VNCA). The total will include 80Mt/yr of domestic sales and 15Mt/yr of clinker and cement exports, according to the Vietnam News Agency.

Vietnam’s domestic cement sales are predicted to rise by 5 - 5.5Mt/yr to hit 80Mt by 2020. The country’s cement and clinker exports will stay at 15Mt/yr, Cung added, noting that Vietnam will be able to satisfy the demand. He also predicted that the country’s cement sales will reach 77Mt in 2016, including of 60Mt of domestic sales and 15.5 – 17Mt of exports.

The Ministry of Construction previously forecast that Vietnam’s sales of cement and clinker would rise 4 - 7% year-on-year to 75 – 77Mt in 2016 despite on-going economic problems.
Source: globalcement.com.


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